Annual Report / 2023

Electricity balance

Dynamics of electricity generation, billion kWh

Electricity generation in 2023 in the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to

112 823,1 million kWh, which corresponds to the output for the same period in 2022

The largest share of generation is TPP


At the same time, an increase/decrease in output occurred at the following large power plants:

Changes in the amount of electricity generation,

The volume of increase/
decrease in electricity
Power plants million kWh %
SevKazEnergoPetropavlivsk JSC 703.6 43.8
GRES ‘Topar’ LLP 204.9 5.5
Balkhash CHPP Kazakhmys Energy LLP 100.9 117
CHPP-1 ‘Aluminum of Kazakhstan’ JSC 32.1 1.7
Almaty CHPP-1 AlES JSC 22.3 5.5
Almaty CHPP-2 AlES JSC 8.8 0.3
‘Zhambylskaya GRES’ JSC 580.0 15.9
‘Ekibastuz GRES-2 Station’ JSC 343.6 5.7
Zhezkazgan TPP Kazakhmys Energy LLP 268.9 22.8
CHPP-3 Pavlodarenergo JSC 189.7 6.5
Ekibastuz GRES-1 178.4 0.8
Almaty CHPP-3 AlES JSC 115.3 10.8
CHPP-2 Arcelor Mittal Temirtau JSC 101.7 5.8
‘EEC’ JSC 71.0 0.5
PP AZF TNC Kazchrome (GTP) 4.9 0.6
‘3-Energoortalyk’ JSC 3.1 0.4

Structure of electricity production by UPS power plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2023

Electricity generation at thermal power plants decreased by 1,260.9 million kWh (1.4%). Production at GTPP increased by 83.2 million kWh (0.8%), and at RES (SPP, WPP, BSU) by 1,571.8 million kWh (38.2%).

Today, the renewable energy sector is a dynamically developing sector in the production of electricity in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Electricity generation from renewable energy facilities is increasing every year due to a set of measures for the implementation of renewable energy development programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Following international trends in low–carbon development, in May 2013, the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted a Concept for the country’s transition to a ‘green economy’ and approved a large-scale goal — by 2050, the share of alternative and renewable energy sources in the total energy balance should be 50%. Thus, according to the Concept of Transition to a ‘green economy’ and the Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, the share of renewable energy in total electricity production should be 3% by 2020, 6% by 2025, 10% by 2030 and 50% (alternative and renewable energy sources) in 2050.

According to the results of 2023 (according to the NDC SO), 148 renewable energy facilities with a total installed capacity of 2,883.9 MW operated in the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  • 54 WPP facilities with a capacity of 1,411.3 MW;
  • 42 SPP facilities with a capacity of 1,196.2 MW;
  • 51 HPP facilities with a capacity of 275.3 MW;
  • 1 bioelectric power plant with a capacity of 1.1 MW.

In 2023, 15 renewable energy facilities with a total capacity of 356.1 MW were put into operation.

By the end of 2023, the volume of electricity (according to the NDC SO) generated by renewable energy facilities amounted to 6.7 billion kWh (WPP — 3,805.6 million kWh; SPP — 1,881.7 million kWh; HPP — 1,028.2 million kWh; BioPP — 1.4 million kWh) or 6.0% of the total electricity production, which is a 25.3% increase compared to 2022.

In 2023, 15 RES facilities were commissioned with a total capacity of

356.1 MW

Information on the production of electric energy by renewable energy facilities for 2023

Indicators Units of measurement For the year 2023
Installed capacity including: MW 2,883.9
- wind power plants MW 1,411.3
- small HPP MW 275.3
- solar power plants MW 1,196.2
- bioelectric power plants MW 1.1
Electricity generation including: million kWh 6,716.9
- wind power plants million kWh 3,805.6
- small HPP million kWh 1,028.2
- solar power plants million kWh 1,881.7
- bioelectric power plants million kWh 1.4
The share of renewable energy generated in the total volume of electric energy production % 6.0

Electricity consumption by the Republic of Kazakhstan in the reporting period of 2023 increased by 2,123.0 million kWh (1.9%) compared to the same period of 2022 and amounted to 115,067.6 million kWh. In the Northern Zone, electricity consumption increased by 896.7 million kWh (1.2%), in the Southern Zone by 1,090.6 million kWh (4.2%), in the Western Zone by 135.7 million kWh (0.9%).

In comparison with 2022, the changes in electricity consumption were as follows:

The increase in electricity generation by renewable energy facilities in 2023 compared to 2022 is


The volume of electricity consumption in 2023 compared to 2022

The volume of increase/
decrease in electricity
Consumers million kWh %
Kaz. Electrolysis Plant JSC 179.3 5.0
Kazzinc LLP 35.6 1.3
AMOZ LLP 31.1 4.3
Kazakhmys Corporation LLP 4.3 0.3
JSC Aluminum of Kazakhstan JSC 2.6 0.3
Arcelor MittalTemirtau 443.2 12.1
TNK Kazchrome (AZF) JSC 109.7 3.3
Sokolovsko-Sarbayskoye GPO JSC 78.0 5.7
Kazakhmys Smelting LLP 27.8 2.4
UKTMP JSC 19.9 2.8

Structure of electricity consumption by zones, million kWh

In 2023, in comparison with 2022, the maximum increase in electricity consumption is noted in the Almaty region by 513.3 million kWh (4.5%), the Turkestan region by 429.9 million kWh (7.2%), the Akmola region by 417.1 million kWh (3.9%), the Atyrau region by 383.7 million kWh (5.7%).

The flow balance with Central Asia is 1,372.8 million kWh (in 2022 from CA 392.2 million kWh). At the same time, exports to Central Asia amounted to 1,441.0 million kWh (in 2022 — 696.6 million kWh), imports from Central Asia — 68.2 million kWh (in 2022 — 304.4 million kWh).

Balance-flow of electricity with the Russian Federation, million kWh

Dynamics of electricity consumption by zones for 2022-2023, million kWh

In 2023, electricity consumption exceeded production by 2,244.5 million kWh.

Dynamics of electricity production/consumption in the period 2019-2023, billion kWh

During the reporting period, the balance of electricity flows with the Russian Federation amounted to 3,617.3 million kWh (in 2022 with the Russian Federation — 470.9 million kWh). At the same time, the export of electricity to the Russian Federation is 1,377.1 million kWh (in 2022 — 1,459.0 million kWh). Electricity imports from the Russian Federation — 4,994.4 million kWh (in 2022 — 1,929.9 million kWh). Exports and imports are given taking into account the volumes of balancing electricity with the Russian Federation.