Annual Report / 2023

Rights of Minority Shareholders

Corporate governance in the Company is structured to ensure equal rights and fair treatment for all shareholders. The rights, duties, and competencies of shareholders are equal and determined according to applicable legislation and are enshrined in the Company’s Charter. Shareholder rights include, but are not limited to, timely receipt of information sufficient for decision-making in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter, and the Company’s internal information disclosure documents; participation in the General Meeting of Shareholders and voting on matters within their competence; participation in determining the quantitative composition and term of the Board of Directors, electing its members and terminating their powers, and determining the size and conditions of remuneration; receiving dividends in amounts and terms determined by the General Meeting of Shareholders based on a clear and transparent dividend policy; transferring voting rights when participating in the General Meeting of Shareholders by proxy, and participating in the joint sale of shares.