Annual Report / 2023



KEGOC JSC is a member and participant of industry associations and the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘Atameken’ (NCE ‘Atameken’):

  1. Associations of legal entities ‘Kazakhstan Electric Power Association’ (KEA, Association,, the main tasks of which are:
  • providing support to all organizations whose activities are directly or otherwise related to the electric power industry;
  • participation in the development of government programs, laws and regulations related to the electric power industry; support and protection of the positions of its members in matters where the interests of the industry depend on decisions of the Government, judicial and other bodies;
  1. Associations of legal entities ‘Kazakhstan Association of Organizations of the oil and gas and energy complex ‘KAZENERGY’ (‘KazEnergy’ ALE, the main objectives of which are:
  • protection of the rights and interests of its members in state bodies, harmonization of the legislative framework;
  • creation of a unified information field for subsurface users, electricity producers, transporters and consumers of energy sector products and services; development and support of intra-industry cooperation and entrepreneurship projects at the local, regional and international levels;
  • spreading the positive image of KazEnergy, its members and the industry as a whole at the regional and global levels; stimulating the economic, social, environmental, scientific and technical activity of the Kazakh society;
  1. NCE ‘Atameken’ (, the main task of which is to protect the rights and interests of business, and to ensure the broad coverage and involvement of all entrepreneurs in the process of forming legislative and other regulatory rules of business;

  2. Associations for the Development of Competition and Commodity Markets ( the main task of which is to represent and protect common interests in government agencies, government structures, international and public organizations on the development of competition and commodity markets, initiate and promote necessary changes to antimonopoly legislation in the interests of its members, participate in the development of draft regulatory legal acts, develop international non-governmental contacts for the exchange of experience, conduct seminars, conferences, round tables and other events, promotion of competition and entrepreneurship, prevention of violations of antimonopoly legislation.

In addition, KEGOC JSC, in order to contribute to the creation of an efficient electric power market with neighboring countries and the development of international cooperation, constantly participates in the work of such international industry organizations as:

  • The CIS Electric Power Council;
  • International Council for Large High Voltage Electrical Systems (Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques — CIGRE).
  • Eurasian Economic Commission (Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Kyrgyz Republic);
  • World Energy Council;
  • European Union of the Electric Power Industry EURELECTRIC. Since 2004, the Company has been cooperating with EUROELECTRIC at the expert level on electricity and energy efficiency issues;
  • Coordinating Electric Power Council of Central Asia (CEPC CA).