Annual Report / 2023

Procurement practices


The Company has built an efficient procurement system based on the principles of information openness, transparency, equality, and development of fair competition.

In 2023, procurement activities in KEGOC JSC were carried out in accordance with the Procedure for procurement by Samruk-Kazyna JSC and organizations, fifty or more percent of voting shares (participatory interests) of which are directly or indirectly owned by Samruk-Kazyna JSC on the right of ownership or trust management, approved by the Board of Directors of Samruk-Kazyna JSC.

The priorities of procurement activities are:

  • purchase of goods from organizations of disabled persons included in the Register of Disabled Persons’, Organizations of the Group of companies of Samruk-Kazyna JSC (individuals with disabilities engaged in entrepreneurial activities) producing the purchased goods;
  • purchase of goods from producers of the goods to be purchased, which are included in the Register of producers of the Group of companies of Samruk-Kazyna JSC;
  • procurement among qualified potential suppliers.

In procurement, the model of pre-qualification of potential suppliers is applied, i.e. the process of evaluation of potential suppliers for compliance with the qualification requirements defined in accordance with the above-mentioned procedure, carried out through questionnaires and audits.

During pre-qualification, potential suppliers are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • legal component;
  • organization of the potential suppliers contractual work;
  • resources of a potential supplier;
  • ensuring the quality of goods, works, and services;
  • project and risk management; occupational health and safety;
  • environmental protection, etc.

KEGOC JSC also took measures provided for by the procedure for supporting producers of goods purchased during procurements.

Potential suppliers may not participate in procurements conducted by the Company if:

  • the potential supplier or its subcontractor (co-executor), or a consortium member is included in the register of unscrupulous participants of public procurement and (or) in the register of unscrupulous participants of procurement, and (or) in the list of unreliable potential suppliers (vendors) of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, and (or) in the list of debtors, in respect of which a court decision to declare them bankrupt has entered into legal force;
  • the potential supplier and (or) the subcontractor (co-exe­cutor) engaged by it, and (or) their manager, and (or) founders (shareholders) are included in the list of organizations and persons connected with financing of terrorism and extremism, or in the list of organizations and persons connected with mass destruction proliferation, financing of weapons of mass destruction, in the order established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan ‘On counteraction to lega­lization (laundering) of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism’;
  • the potential supplier and (or) the subcontractor (co-­executor) engaged by it, and (or) their founders (shareholders) are legal entities, whose place of registration is a state or territory included in the list of states with preferential taxation approved by the authorized state body in charge of ensuring the receipt of taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget.

In this regard, when conducting procurement procedures, potential suppliers are checked for the presence or absence of restrictions established by the Procedure.

Consideration of appeals/complaints of potential suppliers against actions (inaction) of the procurement organizer, tender commission, or expert procurement commission is also conducted. Based on the results of the review, decisions are made on confirmation/non-confirmation of the arguments set out in appeals/complaints.

2-25, 2-26

For the convenience of interaction with suppliers, procurement procedures are conducted through the electronic procurement portal of Samruk-Kazyna JSC (, which ensures attraction of a larger number of suppliers of goods, works and services and a competitive environment that promotes the efficiency of procurement activities.

The current Annual Plan of Procurement of Goods, Works and Services and Long-term Plan of Procurement of Goods, Works and Services of KEGOC JSC are published on the procurement portal of Samruk-Kazyna JSC (, as well as on the website ( in the section ‘Procurement’.

Purchases made by KEGOC JSC in 2023, KZT million

KEGOC JSC Energoinform JSC Total
Goods (excluding electricity from near abroad, including the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic)) 16,770 497.38 17,267.38
Works 5,510 43.47 5,553.47
Services 6,313 463.56 6,776.56
Electricity 25,657 37.54 25,694.54
TOTAL: 54,252 1,041.95 55,291.95

To support its suppliers in conducting their activities in the ­spirit of compliance with the principles of sustainable development and ESG, the provisions of the UN Global Compact, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Company has developed the KEGOC JSC Supplier Code of Conduct, which has become an integral part of its contracts with suppliers.

All the Company’s suppliers are obliged to comply with this Code in order to work with KEGOC JSC. In accordance with the Code, the Company’s suppliers shall comply with the following:

  • do not allow corruption offences in their work;
  • prohibit their employees, representatives and subcontractors under agreements with the Company from committing commercial bribery and other acts of a corrupt nature;
  • exclude all forms of illegal forced labour;
  • exclude child labour;
  • exclude any kind of discrimination, including with regarding employment and labour activities;
  • сomply with regulations concerning working hours and rest of employees;
  • сomply with regulations concerning the minimum wage;
  • comply with labour legislation.

The Code contains norms for compliance by the Company’s suppliers with such principles as:

  • Fair Employment Practices;
  • Ethical Principles;
  • Anti-corruption requirements;
  • Occupational Health and Safety;
  • Environmental Protection;
  • Privacy and Data Security.

KEGOC JSC works on implementation of Samruk-Kazyna’s procurement category strategies (PCS) aimed at optimizing approaches to procurement of goods, works and services or short term. These strategies include conclusions drawn based based on maximising of benefits in the long or short term and including conclusions drawn based on the results of analyses of past expenditures, future needs, supply market and business requirements.

In 2023, at the level of Samruk-Kazyna JSC, PCSs for the categories ‘IT Equipment’ and ‘Special Clothing’ were implemented.

Indicators of service providers in 2023

Suppliers — roster ( Pre-qualification) 3
within the PCS 3
not within the PCS 3
total contractual amount 265,833,912
Suppliers — not on the register ( Pre-qualification) 0
within the PCS 0
not within the PCS 0
total contractual amount 0
Suppliers — Registry (SV) 3
within the PCS 3
not within the PCS 0
total contractual amount 198,803,935
Suppliers — not on the register (SV) 1
within the PCS 1
not within the PCS 0
total contractual amount 646,685

In 2023, KEGOC JSC share of in-country value in procurement of goods, works and services was 67%, including 70% for goods (excluding electricity from near abroad) and 65% for procurement of works and services. In Energoinform JSC, the share of in-country value was 21.52% for goods and 97.3% for works and services.
